By Kathleen Boucher Are you blessed with good health, a steady income, food on your table, and a comfy bed to sleep in at night? Are your kids going to school with shoes on their feet, warm clothes in the winter, and clean hair and teeth? Yes? No? Or maybe?! Isn’t it amazing what we […]
Author: Kathleen Boucher
Whack To Be Creative!

By Kathleen Boucher What are employers, schools and businesses looking for when they accept people into their organizations? Before you answer this question let’s agree that they already attract people who have integrity, intelligence and desire to excel! What do organizations look for beyond a student’s transcript or a manager’s recommendation? It is no longer […]
A Tool That Gives You The Right To Be Heard!

By Kathleen Boucher Imagine you are a salesperson who needs to meet a monthly quota, or you are a student wanting to get into a specific college or university, or a housewife with a novel idea that you want to bring to market or a child with a new and improved way of doing something. […]
A Simple Tool To Increase Motivation!

By Kathleen Boucher When you grew up did your parents tell you often to keep a positive mindset and everything would turn out okay? Did thinking positively help motivate you to take action? What if I told you that current research shows that the opposite is true? Thinking positively by itself reduces your motivation to […]
10 Ways To Teach Kids About Money!

By Kathleen Boucher Did your parents teach you about money when you were growing up? Did they emphasize the value of having good credit and how to live within your means? Did they teach you how to buy groceries, put money aside for emergencies, and pay yourself first when money was deposited into your account? […]
What Are Your New Year Resolutions?

By Kathleen Boucher Are you enjoying the holidays? Did you catch up with family and friends? Are you filled to bursting after eating rich food, chocolate, cookies, turkey, ham, or eggnog? Are you afraid to step on the scales for fear that your weight may have expanded by an extra eight or nine pounds? Me, […]
Calling all Parents! Simple Tips to Deal with Burnout at Work!

By Kathleen Boucher Are you feeling stressed because of what is going on in politics around the world? Are you feeling unproductive even though you are working long hours? Are you having problems focusing and organizing on a daily basis? Have you considered that you may be experiencing symptoms of burnout? To be able […]
A Penny for Your Thoughts!

By Kathleen Boucher Are you educated about how to attract money, use money, give it away and have it return back to you tenfold? Have your parents, or close relatives taught you as a young child how to use money to your advantage? If not, why not? Probably because no one taught these skills! Wouldn’t […]
Detach and Allow!

By Kathleen Boucher Are you a student of self-help books, positive emails, seminars and the latest affirmations that are supposed to work wonders for your self-esteem? Are you an avid follower of successful mentors who advise you on the best way to use the law of attraction? Are you looking for the missing link to […]
“Ten Ways To Help Children to Have Clean Water in the Future”

by Kathleen Boucher Do you ever worry that you’ll run out of drinkable water? Or do you live in an area where water is plentiful and never scarce? Are you concerned that there is too much pollution in streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. After all isn’t water: life? What does the future hold for your […]
“A Simple Formula to Get Unstuck!”

By Kathleen Boucher Have you ever felt overwhelmed by how much there is to do? Have you ever decided to procrastinate because you did not know where to start? Have you ever been advised to map out how you should reach your destination based on your WHY (which you are told should ‘set you […]