What does resilience mean, and why is it important to teach children this skill? Dictionary.com defines Resilience or resiliency as: noun ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy. ¹ the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity This short article will focus on the first definition. Years ago, it was […]
Parents: Teach Kids This Effective Prosperity Strategy

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could teach kids prosperity strategies that they may use for the rest of their lives? Below is an article that was written by Marilyn Jenett. She is the author of Feel Free to Prosper, Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available. The article talks about an adult […]
Parents: Teach Kids the Law of Reversed Effort

My favorite prosperity book is Feel Free to Prosper by Marilyn Jenett. She has a gift for explaining how to overcome resistance within the subconscious mind. Here is an article she wrote on The Law of Reversed Effort. Teach this to your children and they may teach it to their kids. You have given present and future generations a […]
Teach Kids to Value Quiet Time!

Are you and your kids always on the go? Is their free time filled to the brim with activities after school and on weekends? Are they tired? When do they unwind, or are allowed to just ‘be’? When do your children rejuvenate and regroup for the following week? Have you taught them some of the […]
Parents: Kids, Joy & Prosperity

Joy must be developed from the inside. —Alan Lokos What makes you happy? What gives you joy? Do you love writing, reading, spending time with your friends, designing landscapes, solving problems, building skyscrapers or new Lego designs? Are you aware of what your children’s joy comes from? Are they destined to be world-renowned journalists, novelists, […]
Kids and Responsibility

“The price of greatness is responsibility.”- Winston Churchill Have you noticed that many of the great men and women throughout history came from humble beginnings? They developed an obsession to rise about their circumstances, and improve their lot in life. Each generation strives to give their children a better way of life than the […]
Raise Confident Kids: Teaching Them How to Handle Criticism

This article is the third in a series of articles on raising confident kids. Having confidence is a valuable life skill that will serve your children well. If you’ve read the second article in this series, Raising Confident Kids: Attitude Counts, then you know that part of the process in building confidence is evaluating what […]
Raise Confident Kids: Attitude Counts

By Kathleen Boucher This article is the second in a series of articles on raising confident kids. Having confidence is a valuable life skill that will serve your children well. Think of building confidence with your kids as strengthening their mental muscle. It takes consistency and practice. Teach your kids to expect to make mistakes, […]
Raise Confident Kids

By Kathleen Boucher This is the first article in a series of articles on raising confident children. Parenting is challenging. Sometimes parents get it right and sometimes they make mistakes. Most parents strive to raise kids who say no to drugs, bullying, lying, stealing, and behavior that mocks them and others. Parents rely on […]
Do You Teach Your Kids Responsibility?

By Kathleen Boucher Parenting is not done in a straight line. Instead, it may take some dips and curves before newbies get it right. Parents rise to the challenge of knowing their children better than anyone. They attune to their needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Mothers and fathers strive to help their children grow strong […]
Is Teaching Kids About Work Ethic Important?

By Kathleen Boucher There is no single volume of child-rearing written that guides parents how to raise their children. Many times people resort to how they were taught. Parents garner what they liked about their upbringing and discard the things they disliked. What did your parents teach you about work ethic? Was it something that […]
Dare to Take a Risk!

By Kathleen Boucher Fortune sides with him who dares-Virgil What are you afraid of? What steals your peace of mind; what keeps you up at night or gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach? High up on the list is public speaking for most people. Statistically, it is along-side being afraid of […]