Coaching Stars of Courage!

By Kathleen Boucher Are you blessed with good health, a steady income, food on your table, and a comfy bed to sleep in at night? Are your kids going to school with shoes on their feet, warm clothes in the winter, and clean hair and teeth? Yes? No? Or maybe?! Isn’t it amazing what we […]

Whack To Be Creative!

By Kathleen Boucher What are employers, schools and businesses looking for when they accept people into their organizations? Before you answer this question let’s agree that they already attract people who have integrity, intelligence and desire to excel!  What do organizations look for beyond a student’s transcript or a manager’s recommendation? It is no longer […]

A Simple Tool To Increase Motivation!

By Kathleen Boucher When you grew up did your parents tell you often to keep a positive mindset and everything would turn out okay? Did thinking positively help motivate you to take action? What if I told you that current research shows that the opposite is true? Thinking positively by itself reduces your motivation to […]

A Penny for Your Thoughts!

Believe in yourself

By Kathleen Boucher Are you educated about how to attract money, use money, give it away and have it return back to you tenfold? Have your parents, or close relatives taught you as a young child how to use money to your advantage? If not, why not? Probably because no one taught these skills! Wouldn’t […]

Detach and Allow!

By Kathleen Boucher Are you a student of self-help books, positive emails, seminars and the latest affirmations that are supposed to work wonders for your self-esteem? Are you an avid follower of successful mentors who advise you on the best way to use the law of attraction? Are you looking for the missing link to […]