What does success mean to you? Have you talked to your kids about what success means to you and to them? Marilyn Jenett has written a wonderful article: What is Real Success -to You? Read it. Share it. Commence a discussion with your kids! You will be glad you did. What Is Real Success – […]
Parents: Follow Your Heart!

By Kathleen Boucher Have you ever wondered in your busy day where the time went? Did you follow your heart when you chose your profession, married your mate, had your ten kids? Did you write down your goals at fifteen years old only to have accomplished hundreds of them shouting at the top of […]
10 Ways To Teach Kids About Money!

By Kathleen Boucher Did your parents teach you about money when you were growing up? Did they emphasize the value of having good credit and how to live within your means? Did they teach you how to buy groceries, put money aside for emergencies, and pay yourself first when money was deposited into your account? […]
What Are Your New Year Resolutions?

By Kathleen Boucher Are you enjoying the holidays? Did you catch up with family and friends? Are you filled to bursting after eating rich food, chocolate, cookies, turkey, ham, or eggnog? Are you afraid to step on the scales for fear that your weight may have expanded by an extra eight or nine pounds? Me, […]